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The Power of Being Present
by Rachael Ferguson
October 13, 2024

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2024 Luchadoras graduates

This year we had the privilege to graduate 55 women from our program. We are so fortunate to be a part of their story in this snippet of time. I can say they have taught me powerful lessons through their stories and through watching their growth during this year. As I had the opportunity to participate with them in their graduation, I decided to share my words with them for all of you as well. While the below was written for their moment and special day, as I wrote it I was reminded of lessons learned in my own life that I continue to work to apply. Simultaneously, as our foundation continues assisting these women, we also look forward to the 2025 class of women and growing with them.

Capturing the moment

Let’s take a moment to think about the power of photographs. My boyfriend jokes with me that I am the queen of selfies. I take a lot of pictures, in part because I want to remember the moment, the feeling, the event.  A photograph captures a fleeting moment—a smile, a laugh, a connection—forever preserved in time. Each image tells a story, but more importantly it reminds us of the beauty in the present. Let’s also think about how many times you take a selfie and then look at it and say “oh, I don’t look good, let’s take it again” . By the time you get a picture you’re satisfied with, the joy of the moment is gone.  I know I’m guilty of that, of reinforcing negative thoughts about my looks, only to lose the moment that was actually very beautiful.

The journey

For many of you, life’s journey has been marked by adversity—experiences that may have felt overwhelming, even suffocating. It’s easy to become consumed by the weight of those moments, to let them overshadow the joy and beauty that also exist. But just like a photograph, every moment is a chance to pause, reflect, and appreciate what’s right in front of us.  But also, just like retaking a picture over and over until we feel satisfied, we lose the joy because we can’t just allow ourselves to see the beauty that is unfolding.

Be present

Being present allows us to reclaim our power. When you focus on the here and now, you’re not defined by your past. Instead, you embrace the strength that comes from surviving. You create memories that uplift you, capturing moments of joy, love, and connection, even amidst the struggle.

Think of the times you’ve felt truly alive—perhaps during a conversation with a friend, a walk on the beach, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee. These are the snapshots of life that remind you of your resilience and capacity for joy. Each moment of presence is an act of defiance against the adversities that have tried to hold you back.

Cherish THE moment

When we capture moments through photos, we also create reminders of our journey. Those images tell stories of overcoming, of perseverance, and of hope. They are testaments to the fact that even in darkness, there is light to be found. Cherish these moments. They serve as proof that life can be beautiful, even when it’s hard. Don’t retake the photo over and create a moment that is “perfect” when In reality the actual first photo is THE moment. Don’t worry about if the hair is out of place, the body doesn’t look right, or you aren’t just perfect. Because the moment that you’re capturing you want to remember for a reason- and that reason isn’t perfection, it’s joy and beauty.

So I urge you to live in the moment. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Take the time to appreciate the beauty around you. Surround yourself with those who uplift you, and don’t forget to pause and breathe. Your journey is still unfolding, and every moment counts. You have spent months building relationships here, learning skills and growing in confidence. Now you get to spread your wings and fly.  Now is a moment to remember, especially as the days go forward.

Rising together

Remember, just as a photograph captures a single frame in time, each day offers countless opportunities to create memories that inspire you to keep moving forward. Embrace those moments. They will remind you of your strength, your courage, and the incredible woman you are.

Let’s strive to be present, to find joy in the little things, and to appreciate the journey we’re on. Together, we can continue to rise above and create a future filled with beautiful moments that reflect our strength and resilience.

*To learn about how you can help grow this program, please visit out page at:

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